Friday 18 October 2013

My connection with Jeannette and her road trips

In the book Jeannette had said;

"Dad drove fast and sang really loud, and locks of his hair fell into his face and life was a little bit scary but still lots of fun."

When I read that it reminded me of all of the fun times I with one of my best guy friends. We used to go for "cruises" all the time. We would go hang out with each other and everytime we got bored the first thing him and I would think of is "lets go to timmies then go for a cruise!". We would go and get ourselves a coffee, blast country music in his truck and just start driving down back roads. We would go up to his hunt camp, get lost somewhere but we'd make sure that it's hopefully somewhere close. We'd go out to Washago and just have a bunch of fun. The windows would be opened so my hair would fly everywhere and we would never get bored. 

This is a picture of the type of backroads we'd drive down

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